Events 2024
Conference Design
Created Assets:
Rollup Banners
Conference Presentation
Direction Signs
Participant Badges
Photography Arc
Voting Card
Table Cards
I was tasked with providing comprehensive design solutions for the Malaga 2024 event, encompassing a range of materials from participant badges to large-scale photography gates at the beach, as well as menus for the iconic Cortijo De Cortes venue. The project posed several significant challenges, primarily due to tight deadlines and unexpected urgent tasks, which often extended my regular work routine.
A very important task was to create a 100 page E-Book with all the conference details. Creating it required to understand the rules of UX and UI design specifically for the E-Publications, but using the basic knowledge of app navigation from the past helped me a lot.
Reflecting on our six-month collaboration, I can confidently say that projects of this nature demand exceptional communication skills to ensure all team members are aligned and no details are overlooked. Effective communication was essential in managing the complexity and scope of the project, ensuring its success.