Bezmiegs Mag

May, 2022
Independent Publication

Featured Artists:
Miķelis Mūrnieks
Brenda Jansone
Emīls Lacums
Emīls Aļļens
Kristaps Grieznis

Photography by:
Emīls Lacums
Kristaps Grieznis
Dāvis Helmuts Zvejnieks
Pēteris Vīksna
Bezmiegs (i.e. Insomnia) is an independent magazine fully designed & published by Kristaps Grieznis. Magazine includes explicit interviews of 5 different artists, photographs of their work and exclusive studio insights. Magazine was released in limited 15 copies. It has 68 pages and it is printed on 90 gsm coated paper.

Whenever I think about the time creating the publication, I remember myself drowned to the writing desk doing sketches, writing poetry and looking through the old film rolls I had stored in a my archive box. It was the time I was struggling to find a purpose towards design, because everything at that time happened online and nothing really felt real. I wanted to create something touchable, something that involved human presence and feelings. Another struggle was to decide for a format where I can showcase my love towards photography, interviews, poetry and graphic design. At the time I was reading a lot so pretty soon I decided for something similar - a readable publication. 

The doors for the interpretation are open, but the main topic in this publication is personal matter. When interviewing the artists, I tried to find a key to intimate subjects that personally interested me like feelings about lockdown or sleep importance.
It was an exiting design travel that involved artist curation, workshop visits, interview recordings, layouting, material research and many other unexpected processes.